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Speech-Language Therapy

Speech-Language Therapy focuses on improving a child’s production of speech sounds, words, and phrases as well as their ability to understand and express language. Services may also focus on improving communication using various forms of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), such as sign language, picture communication, and speech-generating devices.  Speech-Language Pathologists utilize evidence-based strategies to evaluate and provide skilled therapy to children with a variety of different needs and ability levels.

Areas Speech-Language Therapy Addresses

  • Articulation

  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication

  • Cognition

  • Expressive Language (producing language)

  • Fluency

  • Literacy

  • Play Skills

  • Receptive Language (understanding language)

  • Social Communication

  • Voice


Is my child appropriate for speech-language therapy?


A child may be appropriate for speech-language therapy services if they are having difficulty understanding others or communicating their thoughts and needs completely.  A child may also be appropriate for services if they are demonstrating delays in producing speech sounds, words, or phrases, or they have difficulty with social skills.


Our clinic provides speech-language services to children with a variety of different needs and/or diagnoses, including but not limited to: children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down syndrome, developmental delays, genetic conditions, ADHD, learning disabilities, and more. 

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This service is offered in person and via telehealth.

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